Pertemps, like any major business, has an impact on the environment. We are committed to understanding what that means in our everyday lives and making every effort to minimise that impact to protect future generations. Among other initiatives, we are working to offset carbon emissions, reduce energy use, cut our vehicle fleet’s consumption and increase waste recycling.
Everything everybody does impacts the environment in some way. At Pertemps, we are committed to minimising that impact. We will:
Utilise our procurement expertise to maximise group purchasing power to make key savings on supplies and services across the network group.
Streamline services and processes to cut duplication and waste, in line with ISO14001, Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme and Streamlined Energy Carbon Reporting (SECR).
Appoint colleague champions to help reduce stationery and paper usage and increase recycling initiatives across the business.
Keep travel emissions below pre-pandemic levels and continue to reduce year-on-year.
Continue our journey to move our entire vehicle fleet to low carbon options.
Work with the Woodland Trust to absorb a significant percentage of the carbon dioxide produced by the business through planting trees and engaging employees in woodland management activities.
We will be carbon neutral by 2040, if not before.
We have reduced the impact of our vehicle fleet year-on-year since 2001 when we first introduced an emissions policy. Our progressive initiative has consistently driven down emissions targets for our fleet ahead of Government targets.
More than 50% of the Pertemps vehicle fleet is now hybrid or fully electric.
In February 2022, after passing due diligence, we signed up to a joint initiative with the Woodland Trust, providing annual donations which will be used by the trust to create, protect and restore an area of the UK’s woodlands. Our aim is to mitigate 60% of our emissions by this route. By joining the woodland carbon scheme, Pertemps have supported the planting of approximately 891 UK native trees which will sequester around 557 tonnes of carbon throughout their lifetime.
In early 2022, through the Woodland Trust, we have made a donation to sponsor a one-acre grove at Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Wood, in Leicestershire, which contains around 750 newly planted trees. The donation encompasses ongoing care and management of the trees to ensure they grow into maturity, enabling them to provide shelter and food for wildlife.
Opportunity for all has been at the heart of Pertemps’ culture since we were founded in 1961. We are passionate about making a difference in the local communities in which we work, continually looking for ways of better supporting the people we work with. We will continue to sustain a long-term strategy which best serves the diversity of these communities, enabling everyone to maximise their potential.
We know we must demonstrate to everyone – colleagues, clients, candidates, suppliers, industry bodies and regulators, among others – that our ESG policies and procedures are not just ‘on paper’ but are truly effective. We are committed to this and will regularly update on our performance.